Santa Fe Motel & Inn – Santa Fe NM
Some of the features included in the $15 nightly amenity fee:
- Fitness equipment and yoga mat in each room
- Refrigerators and microwaves in each guestroom
- In-room coffee
- Xfinity TV with HBO
- Deluxe shampoos and lotions
- Filtered water carafe in each guestroom
- Bathrobes in all patio rooms
- Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa in each guestroom
- Companion Rubber Ducky in all bathrooms
- TESLA(16kW) and EV(10kW) charging onsite
- Overnight parking included
- Wi-Fi throughout the hotel
- Complimentary faxes and printing available
- Complimentary local telephone calls
- Complimentary healthy breakfast
- Outstanding concierge and guidance services
- Security cameras throughout the property
- Local newspapers and the NYTIMES
- Elkay filtered water dispenser in lobby
- Relaxation and meditation areas
- Seasonal cookies, treats and beverages